Team and Personal Engagement


Part of being the Team Leader for this Project, is to protect the Team Members from being hassled or abused or anything else that goes against House Rules, so I take swift and decisive action towards anyone who Breaks House Rules.


Always treat others with respect and civility, even if you disagree. The discussions we have within the DC and the Project communities are meant to stimulate conversation, have fun and support each other, not to create contention or hurt towards another Team Member. Unless of Course we are talking about a DC, Never use derogatory comments, ridicule, excessive sarcasm, or innuendo towards another Member of the Team or Community. If you disagree, do so with civility, and let others have their say, just as you have yours inside the Team.

All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials or language are prohibited.

Use caution when discussing items. Information posted inside the Team Areas of the Project is available for others to see, plus all comments made are subject to libel and slander laws or Aotearoa.

o             Do not post anything in a community message that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.

o             Please note carefully all items listed in the  Terms and Conditions of Membership, particularly regarding the copyright ownership of information posted to the communities.

Do not post commercial messages anywhere within the project or community.

o             Do not distribute any spam, solicitation, jokes, chain letters, petitions for signatures or letters relating to pyramid schemes, missing persons, or once-in-a-lifetime deals.

o             Do not use the community to invite the community to join your social network (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). You may invite individuals to join your network but may not invite the community unless given permission by Project Administration.

Please respectfully consider your engagement when sending private and chat messages.

o             Harassment of others through private messaging or chat will not be tolerated. If a Team member harasses any other Team member/s, they will be removed immediately from the Project and all of our Entities.

o             Please contact Administration immediately if a member violates private messaging or chat regulations on or other private means.

Just Remember House Rules Respect All. All is Equal. Mana is Everything.